I still have no camera, but I thought I'd write a short blog for anyone who wants to know!
I have a job, FINALLY!! And it's been pretty tough. This whole teaching thing is not a ride in the park I tell you that! I never thought it would be easy, but I never thought it would be this hard. My colleagues are wonderful, really helpful and pleasant. And the kids are... interesting. I have one class in the afternoon that I teach everyday, so I've really got to know them, and they're great. There are only 9 of them, aged 7 and 8 and their level of English is pretty good. This week I am teaching them 'Food and Drink' like hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza... yeah. Great. But to my surprise, when I say "Do you like to eat hamburgers?" most of the kids say "No teacher, I do not like to eat hamburgers." Which is good! I've also been subbing this week which has been really good practice, and because they have other teachers most of the time, it doesn't really matter if I make mistakes (which i'm trying not too!). I should be getting a brand new class soon, I think at the end of November. They will be 7 - 8 years old, even possibly 6... they will have no English at all! This is exciting as well as a bit daunting because it will be a challenge. I have to be in control from the moment go otherwise that's it, you've lost them for the whole year. So the first few lessons are vital. This is why my boss has made me practice with this subbing... so that I'm absolutely ready for the beginners.
Apart from work life is good! Christmas is coming... strange strange strange. Traditionally, the Taiwanese don't celebrate Christmas at all. But the Western trade, like Starbucks and the big malls really go for it. There is the most ridiculous display at the Hanshin Department store near where we live, that screams out horrid recordings of "Jingle Bells" and "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" you can imagine the rest. But if the 25th was not a Sunday, Ed and I would be working. It's not a holiday here. Well why should it be?! There will be some sort of big meal somewhere I imagine... Also it's not cold here! So it's even more weird. Sure, it's getting "cooler" but, nothing compared to the winters back home.
We changed our flights today. So it's official. We are staying for the year!! Which I'm really happy about, because I seriously love it here.
This weekend Ed and I are going to visit Monkey Mountain, which is to the west of the city. Ed has been once with his friends, but I have never been! Our friend Dom is DJing on Saturday as well. I love my weekends since working. I live for them!
I will hopefully borrow a camera for Monkey Mountain and the weekend, and will hopefully be buying one soon! We still have no internet... Ed has his ARC but it's now the case of actually getting it! Which is proving harder then we thought!
Lots of love, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
(We have no internet so this is a blog that I've written over about a week plus)
Ed and I have moved into our very own apartment! Oh, and it is beautiful. I have never lived in such a place. It is located north of Kaohsiung, behind the Hanshin Shopping Department Store. It is minutes walk from one of the biggest night markets in the city, and tea shops, 7/11s and the MRT.
This is our TV!! And there are little birds painted on our wall! |
Spare room - Ed's studio/Katie's practice room! |
Shower!! |
Living room. |
Kitchen! |
There are two balconies on either side of the open plan kitchen and living room. The balcony situated next to the kitchen has a washing machine and drying facilities. The view isn’t anything special, although the sunset today was breathtaking because in the distance Monkey Mountain lies. The sun was hovering above, making the sky a gorgeous pinky orange; set against the pale blue sky and mackerel clouds. Wow.
Aside from furniture, there wasn’t much in the apartment. We’ve managed the basics so far: bed clothes, towels, a few bowls, plates (plastic, we’re on a budget!), knives and forks, a peeler and a pan. The next things to get are a kettle, toaster, an oven (don’t worry, they have these mini ovens, only £20), a frying pan and loads of other stuff. But we’re getting there! Today is our full proper day in the apartment, we moved in yesterday! And instead of Ed having to leave an hour to get to work, he only left half an hour before because the station is so much closer! So he was pretty happy with that. We have no internet yet... which is pretty annoying, but that should be getting sorted tomorrow. And OH MY GOD!! The shower is amazing! It has one of those massive heads, and it feels like you’re in a warm thunder storm. Heaven.
Getting the apartment was very easy. We were meant to be meeting a man called Mr Chen on Friday (14.10) but he never made it, however, we decided to see what this Estate Agents just opposite to where we meant to be meeting Mr Chen had to offer. They had one apartment for rent which was exactly where we were planning to live. They said it was brand new and available to live in immediately. It was a bit over budget, but we thought we’d just have a peep. And I fell in love as soon as I saw it. We negotiated the price, and managed to get it lower, so we had to take it! The only problem we could foresee was the second room, which was completely empty... but it’s now a music room! Ed is going to buy a second hand desk and a chair and set up a studio, while I’m going to buy a music stand and use it to practice my flute and singing. Woo!
I’ve got interviews coming out of my ears at the moment; I had one on Saturday, and have another one on Tuesday (tomorrow). Which is good, but c’mon! I’m waiting to hear back from one which I really want... But as I can’t check my emails I have no idea! Ed and I are going to this bar called Lighthouse tonight which has free Wi-Fi, so should hopefully check then.
Continued... 23/10/2011
A week later and the apartment is still amazing! I can’t believe we get to live in it for a whole year! We still don’t have internet... we really need to sort it out. At the moment I am sitting in Starbucks, about a 10 minute walk away from our apartment. It’s $100 for 24 hour access... which is about 2 quid. Very reasonable.
I’ve started teaching as well! I had my interview at this school last Thursday, which went well. I really liked it! After arriving home I get a call from my interviewer Eva, saying they need an emergency substitute teacher at another school, also down the road from our apartment, for a lesson that started in 10 minutes! I was in shock, as I have never taught English to children, so to be thrown into a three and half hour shift with three different classes, three different levels was overwhelming. Was this what I really wanted to do with my afternoon? Yes, yes it fucking was! I was sick of just lounging around the flat, doing nothing. So I inhaled deeply and rang Eva back, saying that I was available. She picked me up on her scooter 5 minutes later and drove me to the elementary school where I was needed. I was greeted by a very grateful teacher, Jessica, who quickly briefed me about what I was teaching, handed me about 10 books and shoved me into the classroom filled with about 12 Taiwanese kids, who stared at me with intrigue. Eva shouted at them for a bit in Chinese while I took a look at the material that I had been given. And started to teach. After the first class which was from 3:30pm to 5:00pm, there was an older class from 5:00pm to 6:00pm, yes no break! Luckily another teacher helped me out, as I was warned that this class was particularly troublesome. Oh and that they were! Loud, chatty, rude. But with the Chinese teacher there, I was able to get my points across and I think they were learning. Then from 6:00pm to 7:00pm I had my last class. They are the oldest children I teach. And they are angels. This class really wanted to learn English, so the lesson flew past, and finally I was able to go home.
I was mentally, emotionally and physically drained. I had no idea how tiring kids are!! It was a reality shock to be honest, and I can now to relate to what Ed has been doing everyday for the last month. Wow. Respect. But I think kids are naughty with new teachers, especially subs. So the next day I went in again, this time I went in an hour before to plan my lessons. Which was helpful... to a certain extent. I find this job hard because I have not been trained as a teacher, yes I have my TEFL, but that was months ago and such a short course that I didn’t really offer anything practical. So I don’t really know what I am doing at the moment! So it’s hard. I am surprised they have taken such an inexperienced “teacher”! But everyday I am learning. For example, the second class I have are definitely the worse behaved. They are aged from 9 – 10 years of old, and boys are just unbearable. But with a bit of discipline I'm hoping they will get better!
Continued 26/10/2011
So I'm actually going to post the blog up today!
I write this sitting in one of the numerous free internet cafes in Kaohsiung, munching on some delicious pork noodles with 'spoon' green vegetables, spring onions and a cooling iced black tea. Superb. It only cost me $117 to eat and drink here, which is £2.40!! I have a day off today - Wednesdays like in France, the kids don't have school, well apart from Ed's school where the super keen kids have extra lessons! So he's just gone off to work. But the kids I'm teaching - which is three classes, one after the other, no break - their behavior is improving every day. So quiet and responsive to me. This feels great. And the other two are great now too, especially the last one of the day, there are some kids in there who have serious talent for English!
It's Halloween this weekend, and omg, they LOVE it here!! More then England. I guess because they're are so Americanised in some ways, it's only natural that Halloween is taken seriously. It's also "celebrated" in schools, like there's new vocab to be learnt, songs, costumes to be made for the little kiddlies! So yeah, Ed and I are actually making an effort this year, with our new friends Hazel and Dom, I won't tell you what we're going as... it'll be a surprise for my next blog! There's a huge night on at this club where everyone goes dressed up, so we thought, when in Rome!
Bad news, I lost my camera! I'm not sure exactly how I lost it... I think it must have fallen out of my pocket on Saturday night. Oooops. So until I get a new camera, I can't upload any new photos! Sorry! But with the money I earn this week should be enough to get one!
I have to leave, so I'm going to just put up some photos from the past couple of weeks!
these are deep fried shrimp with icing sugar and 100 and 1000 sprinkled on top. strangely delicious... |
Ed and Dom |
This is us and some friends eating and drinking at what they call a Ganbai. They are cheap and delicious! |
Woop!! Ed's first session at Brickyard! Smashed his set, everyone loved him!! He's got another date coming up in November! |
Boysan loving it! |
Vibing out. |
Lexus and Pauline! |
Sorry this has been a bit of a rushed blog! We should be getting internet sorted today! I will blog soon! xxxx
Friday, 7 October 2011
Ed and I have been living in Kaohsiung for a month now! We have moved out of the air-conditioned room to another room upstairs... it a beautiful room with gorgeous decor, an en suite bathroom and a balcony! However, there is no air conditioning. Fortunately we are in the "colder" months of the year, so it's actually not too bad. And there is a living room/kitchen area with a fan and A.C. Yes.
It's been a while since my last blog...
There are now leaves on the ground!
After the BBQ the night digressed into a work out session...
That night, Ed and I cooked our first meal at the flat:
It was so good! It had chicken, mushrooms, tomato sauce, onions, garlic, mmm yummy!! It's actually more expensive to buy food from the supermarket and cook it at home then to buy a meal off the street... which I find quite odd, not cooking has been weird. But then again, the food here is delicious! It was good to indulge in some home cooked food!
For Ed's 26th birthday, we went shrimp fishing! I'd never even heard of such a thing back home, I mean, I know what shrimps and fishing are, but doing it as an activity with friends?! But it was really fun, partly because I didn't actually do any fishing at all due to KTV being an option... Ed caught 5 shrimps! Whilst Lexus and Dom (my friend Hazel's boyfriend, who is also a DJ) only caught 3. The shrimps must have known who the birthday boy was!

It's been a while since my last blog...
Ed met a lovely Irish fellow and decided to have a drinking competition with him... guess who missed the headliner?! |
At night, the Love River is sensational. |
After this very grown up and serene outing, Ed and I arrived back at the flat to something a bit different...
It had been the first Gay Parade in Kaohsiung on this day, so Lexus wanted to get involved... |
We had a BBQ one night, hmm it was YUMMY!!
Pork, sausages, pepper, there was also mushrooms wrapped in foil with garlic and butter. |
Vanessa doing some grillin! |
Bee wine! |
Outside on the balcony with Ed (legs!), Lexus and two Spanish friends Temma and Ilario. |
After the BBQ the night digressed into a work out session...
Very strange behavior. Must be the effect of the heat!
On Wednesday night I went to watch my friend Hazel sing some songs at The Brickyard Beer Garden (this is a really nice venue, it's a bar outside! Still need fans though...)
She was fantastic, and now plays there every Wednesday! The Beer Garden also does an open mic session every Saturday evening, so hopefully going to get involved in that at some point!
On the Sunday after Ed and I went to Hanshin Department Store in the northern part of the city. It was a rainy day, but that didn't stop the music!
They were playing traditional Taiwanese music on some beautiful instruments! |
I want! |
I've never seen such a vast selection of jelly beans... yummy! |
Lego sweets!! |
Oooh, glammy! |
That night, Ed and I cooked our first meal at the flat:
It was so good! It had chicken, mushrooms, tomato sauce, onions, garlic, mmm yummy!! It's actually more expensive to buy food from the supermarket and cook it at home then to buy a meal off the street... which I find quite odd, not cooking has been weird. But then again, the food here is delicious! It was good to indulge in some home cooked food!
For Ed's 26th birthday, we went shrimp fishing! I'd never even heard of such a thing back home, I mean, I know what shrimps and fishing are, but doing it as an activity with friends?! But it was really fun, partly because I didn't actually do any fishing at all due to KTV being an option... Ed caught 5 shrimps! Whilst Lexus and Dom (my friend Hazel's boyfriend, who is also a DJ) only caught 3. The shrimps must have known who the birthday boy was!
This is the shriming pool! At the back are the KTV rooms. |
This was our KTV room. One of many... |
Pauline starts the singing off! |
Ed getting excited to catch his first shrimp! |
This is the net where you put a caught shrimp. It hangs in the water so the shrimp is kept alive ready for eating. If it dies, it will become poisonous very quickly. |
Ed's first shrimp!!! |
He is clearly very very very happy!! |
KTV gets underway... |
AHHHHHHH!!!! aren't they disgusting little creatures?! |
Dom and Ed |
Meanwhile, Lexus gets involved with KTV! |
As does our friend and new flatmate Boysan! |
Yes boys!! |
Busted! |
Things get a bit out of hand... |
Vanessa doing some funky lights! |
These are all the shrimp the guys caught! I think there were about 12... |
The shrimp then get skewered... but they don't actually die until they are put on the grill... I was actually too squeamish to take photos of them squirming and twitching around on the hot heat. Ugh.
But they were delicious!! |
Ed had an awesome birthday!! As you can tell! |
This weekend coming up is special in Taiwan, as on Monday (10.10.2011) is the 100th anniversary of the country!! There are events and parties all weekend, and workers get the day off on Monday! Woop! There is a spectacular firework display in the evening (in Taipei, so we'll miss them but I'm sure there will equally amazing displays here!) in front of the Presidential Office Building to "represent the bright and colorful future of Taiwan." Also Ed is DJing at the club Brickyard this Saturday! Yay!
Thank you for reading! I know it was a long one this time, but I've been busy trying to get a job! I had my 4th interview yesterday morning, with the same school as Ed! I am waiting to here back from them this afternoon. It is a great school so I would love to work there! However, I've got another interview set up for another school next Tuesday if this one falls through. Fingers crossed though!
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