I got a camera! A very generous present from Ed's mother - thanks Alice! So now I can put some more photos of my time in Taiwan.
So it's Christmas day this Sunday, but the mall next door to us has had decorations up for months!
But it's not even that cold here, so it feels a bit odd...
We went to Taipei last weekend because Ed and Dom were asked to DJ at the club Revolver. Taipei is crazy! We were only there for the evening, but it had a real big city feel to it, like London. We took the HSR (High Speed Rail) up there... Which was loads of fun...
It took an hour and a half to there - 292 km per hour! So fast! We arrived at around 7pm and headed straight to the club for the sound check. We then went out for some food with some guys we met: Robi and Paul. They live in Taipei so they took us to a lovely little place for some dinner
Q-Kraft then played a set
Followed by the grimy Shank Dubs:
Ed made a friend!
We left the club at about 5, and got the six hour coach journey back to Kaohsiung. Epic!
I got paid last week - happy days! Ed and I went on a bit of a shopping spree...
Only $200 (about £4) woo! It was so nice to spend some of the money that I had been earning! We also got a rooter, and a Christmas tree
It's very small, but so cute! For Christmas day we are going to our friends Hazel and Dom's apartment for the big dinner! Very excited! We are making some mashed potatoes... and don't worry, the roasted ones are being taken care of! The turkey has been ordered and will hopefully be singing some carols as well! Fortunately Christmas day is on a Sunday, otherwise we would be working...
Our friend Lexus, who we lived with during our first month, has just finished renovating a flat he bought to rent so we went to the house warming party. And the flat looked incredible! I had seen it before, and to be honest, I didn't really think anyone could make it livable! But he's done it! I'm so proud, well done mate!
The main bedroom! |
Lexus and Pauline! |
You can see the lovely kitchen behind Boyson and Lexus.... |
Lush! |
We paid another visit to Rafong Night Market with Lexus and Vanessa on Sunday:
Dim Sum! YUMMY!! |
Weird balloon squid... |
Caramelized strawberries! |
The next blog will have Christmas, New Year and the Leyland's visit!
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